Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aggrandize to make, or cause to appear, grander in wealth, stature, power, or influence; exalt.
dregs the part of anything that is left over or that has the least value or use.
figment something imaginary or invented.
iconoclast one who attacks and seeks to break down traditional beliefs and institutions or popular ideas and values.
iniquity great injustice or wickedness.
malady an illness of the body or mind.
notation a system of signs used to stand for numbers, words, or musical notes.
orifice an opening, such as a vent, mouth, or hole, through which something can pass.
paragon a model of excellence or of a particular admirable quality.
periphery the outer boundary or edge of an area or surface, or the region directly inside or outside of this.
rhapsody a musical composition having an irregular form suggesting improvisation.
solicit to try to obtain (business, recruits, donations, help, or the like) by persuasion, formal request, or pleading.
spat1 a short, slight quarrel.
subsidy direct financial assistance provided by the government to a business, industry, educational institution, individual, or the like.
witticism a clever, often perceptive joke, insult, or saying.