Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aseptic free of bacteria or germs that cause disease or decay.
asinine silly or willfully stupid.
expeditious prompt and efficient.
grandeur the quality of being majestic or splendid.
incontrovertible not able to be questioned or disputed.
intransigent refusing to alter an idea or a position in response to others' wishes; uncompromising.
intuition the power to know or understand something without thinking it through in a logical way.
loner one who stays by himself or herself much of the time, especially by choice or inclination.
neutrality the foreign policy of a nation that refuses to take sides in an international dispute.
ostracism an exclusion or rejection, as from a social group.
partake to take part; participate (usually followed by "in").
relegate to send or consign to a condition, place, or position of lesser importance or esteem.
squalor living conditions that are filthy, or the state of being dirty or foul.
statute a law made by a legislature, as opposed to one established by the courts.
vestige a visible trace or sign of something no longer present or existing.