Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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anxiety a feeling of being worried, nervous, or afraid that something will happen.
detect to discover or notice.
electronic having to do with devices, equipment, or systems that use electricity in complex ways while employing very tiny parts.
flask a rounded bottle with a narrow neck.
formula a rule or way of doing something expressed in a standard way using words or symbols.
fret1 to feel troubled or uneasy.
handful the amount that can be held in a single hand.
improve to make better.
perspire to give off moisture through the pores of the skin; sweat.
session a meeting or set of meetings of a court or a government council.
stew to cook by boiling slowly in a closed pot.
toil1 long or difficult work.
tremendous very large in degree or size; huge.
vacant without activity or contents; empty.
waddle to walk using short steps while rocking from side to side.