Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accuracy the condition of being accurate.
affirm to state or declare as true.
compress to press into less space; squeeze closely together.
cordial warm and friendly; courteous.
emphatic forceful, determined, or insistent in speech or action.
evident easily seen; clear.
ferry a boat or ship that carries people or freight back and forth across a river or other body of water.
insert to put or cause to be put in, into, or within.
inward in or toward the inside or center.
oust to force out; expel.
outrageous extremely wrong or harmful.
rupture the act of breaking open or breaking off.
salvation the act of saving or being saved from sin or evil, or the condition of being saved.
similarity the state or quality of being similar; resemblance.
virtual not actually being true or real, but seeming to be, or having the same result as if true or real.