Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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animus a feeling or attitude of enmity.
appellative a descriptive name or title, as "Terrible" in "Ivan the Terrible".
asceticism self-discipline and self-denial as a means of spiritual improvement.
condign well-deserved or fitting, especially of punishment or reprimand.
conversant familiar; acquainted; practiced (usually followed by "with" or "in").
epicure a person who has cultivated tastes, as in food or wine; connoisseur.
indomitable too strong to be subdued or discouraged; unconquerable.
libertine acting without restraint; dissolute; amoral.
nonplus to cause (someone) to be unable to think of what to say, do, or decide; perplex; bewilder.
preferment the act of promoting or being promoted to a higher position or office.
rapacious capable of capturing and eating live prey; predacious.
redoubtable inspiring fear; formidable.
risible provoking laughter; laughable or funny.
sere1 dried up or withered.
sylph a slender, graceful woman or girl.