Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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baffle to confuse; puzzle.
brutal cruel or savage.
cement a powder made of clay and limestone that becomes hard when water is added. Cement is used as a building material.
clutch to keep in a firm grasp; hold tightly; grip.
critical likely to find fault.
erupt to break or burst out suddenly.
grope to feel about or feel one's way with the hands.
hunger the need or desire for food.
loose not held back; free.
moody having shifts in emotional state frequently or without a pattern.
private allowing only certain people to take part in or to know about.
sauce a liquid dressing or topping served with food.
symbol an object or picture that represents something else.
technology a field of knowledge having to do with the practical applications of science and industry, or the inventions and methods of solving problems that are produced through research in these areas.
vast very large in size or area.