Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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administrate to manage, handle, or supervise.
autonomy freedom and independence; self-governance.
compression the act or process of pressing down on or together, causing flattening or condensing.
congenital existing from birth, but usually not hereditary.
dependable deserving trust or confidence; able to be counted on.
enthusiastic having or showing great interest.
intent1 plan; aim; intention.
lexicon the set of terms used by an individual, a particular group, or a profession; vocabulary.
liquefy to reduce to or become a fluid.
minimize to make as small as possible.
theology the study of religion, especially the relations between God and the universe as expressed in religious doctrine, revelation, and scripture.
torso the human body from neck to hips; trunk.
unearth to find or reveal by searching.
waver1 to move back and forth in a fluttering motion; sway.
worthwhile valuable enough to be worth doing.