Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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exquisite very beautiful; made in a lovely or delicate way.
genesis the beginning or origin of something.
import something that is brought in from another country and usually sold as merchandise.
incinerate to consume by fire; burn completely.
momentum strength of movement.
omission the act of leaving out or the condition of being left out.
oversee to watch over and direct (others or their work); supervise.
periodic happening or appearing at regular times.
rave to talk with much enthusiasm; praise.
rejoice to be full of joy or show great pleasure (sometimes followed by "in").
rivalry the act, relation, or condition of one who competes with another or of those who compete with each for dominance.
scorch to burn slightly.
simulate to imitate or reproduce the appearance, sound, or other external characteristics or qualities of.
summon to call to appear for a particular purpose.
thrifty prudent in the management and spending of money; economical.