Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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arrange to put in some kind of order, pattern, or design.
ballot a piece of paper on which people who are voting enter their choices.
comfortable feeling at ease.
compete to try to win or get something that others are also trying to get.
framework a structure that supports something built on or around it.
fright strong fear caused by sudden danger.
handshake the gripping of hands between two people when they meet or say good-bye.
obey to follow or carry out the command, instruction, or wishes of.
pronunciation the act or manner of saying the sounds of words.
shame a painful feeling brought about by the knowledge that one has done something wrong or not proper.
splurge to spend money ostentatiously.
tickle to touch or poke so as to cause a tingling feeling or laughter.
triumph the winning of a great victory or success.
unknown not familiar, or not figured out.
welfare a state of health, happiness, and good fortune.