Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blanket a large piece of thick material used to keep oneself warm. Blankets are often made of wool.
cartoon a picture or set of pictures that make people laugh or think. Cartoons often have words that show what a character is thinking or saying.
color a quality of light as our eyes see it. Red, blue, and yellow are some colors.
dam a wall built across a river or stream to stop the flow of water.
fellow belonging to the same group, having the same job, or sharing the same interests.
heap many things lying on top of each other; pile.
joy a strong feeling of being happy.
locker a small metal cabinet that can be locked. It is used to keep clothes and personal things.
main most important.
nod to move the head up and down in order to greet or agree with someone.
pan an open, metal container for cooking or baking.
pilot a person who flies an airplane or other aircraft.
slam to shut with force and loud noise.
strike a stopping of work as a protest for better pay or working conditions.
tale a story.