Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bombast boastful, pompous, or otherwise overblown utterances.
cater to supply food or other service.
condolence sympathy with a grieving or suffering person.
fastidious exceedingly particular or demanding especially in matters of detail; exacting.
filch to steal (usually something of slight value) in a sly manner; pilfer.
inestimable of value or worth that cannot be measured; invaluable.
invincible too strong to be defeated.
maternal of, having to do with, or like a mother.
mendacious untruthful.
observable able to be seen; visible.
paean a song or hymn sung as an expression of praise.
pensive thoughtful in a sad or deeply serious way.
protagonist the leading character in a literary work.
sporadic occurring irregularly or in a thinly scattered manner in time or space.
stipend any periodic payment of money, such as a salary or allowance.