Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abolish to get rid of or do away with; end.
buoyant lighthearted or cheerful.
bureau a chest of drawers.
census an official count of the people who live in a country or other area. A census is also used to collect information about these people, such as their job, age, or sex.
consultant someone whose job it is to give advice to others on a particular subject; expert.
convene to gather or come together for a meeting.
eventual sure to happen at some time in the future.
generosity the condition of being willing and ready to give.
heritage something that one believes, thinks, or does that comes from one's family or ethnic background; tradition.
landmark a point in a landscape that is used as a reference or marks a boundary.
milestone an important event or turning point in history or in a person's life.
possibility something that might happen.
predictable able to be foreseen or anticipated.
stellar brilliant; outstanding.
theory a reasonable, widely accepted explanation for why something happens.