Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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brevity shortness of duration.
dulcet pleasing to the ear; melodious.
glib speaking or prone to speak easily and fluently, especially in a careless or thoughtless manner, with little concern for the truth.
gratuitous given or done without sufficient reason or justification; unwarranted.
impiety lack of reverence or respect, especially for what others consider sacred.
interloper a person who intrudes in the affairs of others; meddler.
intrinsic being essential to or of the nature of a thing; inherent.
perforate to make a hole in.
pinnacle the highest point or part of anything; apex; summit.
potency the condition of being strong in effect or powerful.
presage to be a sign or warning of; portend or foretell.
rancor bitter, continuing resentment; hatred.
repugnance strong dislike, distaste, or aversion.
ruffian one who is tough and violent; bully; thug.
veneer a superficial outward appearance or show.