Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bogus not authentic; counterfeit.
cede to give up or surrender, especially formally.
compile to gather information together to form one written work.
ecclesiastical of or related to the church and clergy.
exemplar one worthy to be imitated or studied; model.
infraction an act or instance of breaking or violating, usually a rule or law; violation or breach.
invigorate to fill with energy, strength, or life.
lionize to view or treat (someone) as a celebrity or extraordinary person.
omnipotent possessing infinite power; all-powerful.
ornamentation decoration; embellishment.
ramify to have or produce effects or consequences that make some original matter more complex.
sedition actions or speech intended or serving to create rebellion against a government.
tangential barely connected to or touching a subject.
uncontrolled acting or continuing, or allowed to act or continue, without constraint, regulation, or opposition.
virile having the qualities of a man; characteristically masculine.