Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abeyance temporary suspension or cessation.
amity friendly and peaceful relations; good will.
apprise to inform (often followed by "of").
barrage a great number of things coming one after another very quickly.
conclave a secret, private, or confidential meeting or gathering.
concur to share the same opinion; agree.
corollary a readily drawn conclusion; deduction or inference.
deadeye an expert shooter.
derision mockery or ridicule.
gadfly a persistent critic, especially of established institutions and policies.
ineluctable impossible to be avoided; inescapable.
lapidary an expert on or dealer in gemstones.
obtrusive aggressive and self-assertive, or inclined to be so.
reprisal injury inflicted in retaliation for injury received, as in war; revenge.
voluble characterized by a steady flow of words; fluent; talkative.