Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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angel a spiritual being who acts as a servant or messenger of God. Angels are often represented as human figures with wings and a halo.
dine to eat a meal, usually in a formal way.
exit a way out.
flat1 having a surface that does not slant up or down. If a roof is flat, it is not higher at one end than the other; level.
least smallest in size, amount, or degree.
misery a condition in which one is very unhappy or suffers very much.
mostly almost completely; mainly.
never not at any time; not at all.
pail a container with steep sides and a handle; bucket.
peek to look for a short time or in secret.
poison a substance that can kill or seriously harm living beings if it is swallowed, breathed, or taken in.
search to try to find something by looking with care.
sight the ability to see.
snowstorm a storm in which a lot of snow falls. Snowstorms have strong winds.
student a person who goes to a school or college.