Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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charitable generous in donations or benevolent actions for needy persons.
deliberately intentionally or with premeditation.
emigrate to leave one country or region in order to settle in another.
excavate to make a hole or hollow place in by digging.
exclusive keeping out all others.
furlough a vacation for a person in the military.
handicraft skill at making things by hand.
insightful keenly perceptive.
intertwine to twist together, one about the other; interlace or interlock.
nonetheless despite the foregoing; still; even so.
notify to tell about; give notice of.
notion an idea, opinion, or view.
profit the amount of money made by a business that is more than the amount put in at the start or paid out as expenses.
register to sign up for something by having one's name put on an official list.
rueful feeling, showing, or causing regret or sorrow.