Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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appose to place next to or side by side; juxtapose.
dawdle to waste time; be slow.
dissimulate to hide one's true feelings, intentions, or the like by pretense or hypocrisy.
duress intimidation or coercion.
eruct to belch forth.
extrinsic not inherent or essential; extraneous.
lien a legal claim on a piece of property when the current owner is in default on a debt or obligation.
linguistics (used with a singular verb) the scientific and historical study of the form and structure of human language.
louche of questionable decency, morality, or taste; shady; disreputable.
magnum opus a great work of art, literature, or music, especially a particular person's masterpiece.
omnibus concerning or including a large collection of things.
panegyric a formal speech or piece of writing devoted to publicly praising a person or thing.
recessional a piece of music that accompanies the exit of participants in a program or religious ceremony.
sagacious possessing or characterized by good judgment and common sense; wise.
syntax the word order or pattern of word order in a sentence.