Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adulterate to make worse or impure by adding unnecessary or inferior ingredients.
appease to cause to become calmer by meeting demands.
armistice an agreement by groups of people or countries at war to stop fighting; truce.
comely pleasing in appearance.
demoralize to weaken or destroy the confidence, courage, spirit, or morale of.
epilogue a short concluding section to a literary work, often summarizing what later becomes of the characters.
exuberance the condition or quality of being vigorously happy or high-spirited.
fatuous smugly foolish or stupid.
foretaste a partial, advance experience or realization of something that will come or happen in the future.
implicate to involve or prove involvement of (someone or something) in an affair, situation, event, or series of events.
languid lacking or not showing strength, energy, or spirit; weak, slow, or listless.
referendum the submission of a legislative measure to a vote by the general public, or the vote thus taken.
skiff a small, light boat that may have sails but can be rowed by one oarsman.
socialite one who is prominent in fashionable social circles.
vivacious full of life and spirit; animated.