Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bizarre strikingly odd or unusual, especially in appearance or behavior.
casualty a person in the armed forces who is killed, wounded, or missing in action.
complex difficult to understand.
concede to admit the truth or justice of.
dependable deserving trust or confidence; able to be counted on.
expansion the act or process of expanding, or the condition of being expanded.
firsthand from the source; directly.
meditation sustained thought or self-forgetful concentration, especially for the purposes of religious devotion or relaxation.
profitable of a business, bringing in more money than is spent; financially successful.
sage a very wise person.
sculpture an object of art or craft made by carving, chiseling, or molding.
selective very careful in choosing.
stabilize to become steady, firm, unwavering, or fixed.
verbal having to do with words.
vocation a job or career; occupation.