Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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custody the legal right to take care of and control someone or something.
deviation difference or divergence, as from a typical pattern, accepted social norms, political orthodoxy, or the like.
equate to make or consider to be equal or equivalent.
experiment to explore by trying different things.
former happening in or having to do with the past; previous.
hobo a poor and homeless wanderer who usually does odd jobs for a living but may also beg or scavenge.
humanitarian characterized by concern for improving the welfare of people.
inadequate not enough; not good enough.
indicator a person or thing that points to or signals something.
innovative new and inventive.
mere being neither more nor better than what is spoken of.
sheer thin or fine enough to see through.
streamline to alter so as to make simpler or more efficient, compact, or up-to-date.
viewpoint an opinion.
widespread happening or scattered over a large area.