Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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fantastic wildly imaginative and incredible.
faucet a device for turning on and off the flow of liquid from a pipe or container.
grab to take hold of suddenly or with force.
hoof the hard, tough covering on the feet of certain mammals such as horses, pigs, and deer.
lawn an area of land where people plant grass and cut it to keep it short.
lose to no longer have something because you do not know where it is.
nest a structure of sticks and other material that birds make to hold their eggs.
originally at first.
palm the inner surface of the hand.
safe providing protection from harm, loss, or damage; not dangerous.
slope A surface that is higher on one end than the other.
tape a substance made of plastic, cloth, or paper that has glue on one side. It is cut into long, narrow pieces. Tape is used to stick things together.
thump a heavy, dull sound of one thing hitting another.
wheelbarrow a device used to carry rocks, soil, leaves, and other materials for short distances. A wheelbarrow has one or two wheels, two legs at the back, and handles for a person to push.
worker someone who does a job or has a job.