Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acute sharp; severe.
ambassador a person who is sent by the government of one country to be its official representative in another country.
amiss in the wrong way.
clarification the act or process of making more clear or less confusing.
climate the usual weather conditions in a place.
collaborate to work with someone else on a project.
flammable able to catch on fire easily.
foster to aid and encourage the growth or development of.
icon a person or thing that people recognize as a symbol of something and is an object of great respect and admiration.
melancholy a feeling of sadness or depression.
projection a guess of a future situation based on looking at the present situation.
repent1 to be sorry or feel remorse for sins or transgressions; be penitent.
rivalry the act, relation, or condition of one who competes with another or of those who compete with each for dominance.
sculpture an object of art or craft made by carving, chiseling, or molding.
yoke a pair of draft animals joined by this device.