Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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brim the top edge of a hollow object such as a cup; rim.
dual of or having two parts; double.
emigrant one who leaves a country to live in another.
entire having all the parts; whole.
expensive costing a lot of money; having a high price.
gradually by small steps or degrees.
improve to make better.
member one of the people or things in a particular group.
quarterback the football player who calls the plays and handles the ball in most plays.
slack not tight; hanging loose; drooping.
soul the part of human beings separate from the physical body that is thought of as the center of feeling, thought, and spirit.
starter someone or something that starts.
structural of or pertaining to construction, to things that are constructed, or to the basic parts that are assembled.
stunt1 to stop or slow the growth of.
suffer to feel pain or misfortune.