Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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burden something that is carried or difficult to bear.
cling to stick closely.
estimated resulting from a careful guess rather than exact counting or calculation.
fame the condition of being well known or respected by a great number of people.
fertile producing or able to produce farm crops or other plant life.
muddle to cause to be confused; mix up.
nectar the sweet liquid a plant makes that attracts insects and birds.
nomination the act of choosing a person to run for office.
organize to set in order; arrange in an orderly way.
quake to tremble, shake, or shiver.
ramble to wander or stroll without any particular goal; roam.
survive to continue to live despite serious threat to one's life.
thrive to do well or be successful.
treasure money or valuable items that have been collected or stored up.
value the worth of something in money, goods, or services.