Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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beholder one who looks or sees.
cluster a small, close group of things that are alike.
clutch to keep in a firm grasp; hold tightly; grip.
destination the place to which a person is going or goods or baggage are sent.
dismiss to send away or allow to go away.
imprint a mark or design made by pressing or printing on a surface.
longtime having existed or continued over a long period of time.
outcome a result of something.
peculiar odd, strange, or unusual.
peddle to offer for sale on the street or from door to door.
prank a teasing trick; stunt.
produce to bring into being.
republic a nation in which those who make the laws and run the government are elected by the people.
scramble to mix or throw together in a quick or random way.
static without motion; fixed.