Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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academicism in the arts, rigid adherence to accepted and traditional forms.
appellation a name, title, or other designation.
avow to assert or affirm.
brash rudely self-assertive; bold; impudent.
cavalier carefree and offhand; nonchalant.
dilatory used to cause a delay.
exponent one that expounds or interprets.
flagitious viciously or shamefully wicked; infamous.
garble to mix up, distort, or confuse (a message, translation, or the like); cause to be disordered or unintelligible.
intersperse to place or scatter among other things.
louche of questionable decency, morality, or taste; shady; disreputable.
malfeasance an illegal act or wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
obfuscate to make (something) seem or be difficult to understand; obscure or darken.
pleonasm a redundant word, phrase, or expression.
splenetic ill-tempered or spiteful.