Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accountability the state or quality of being responsible for providing an explanation or justification.
cadaver a dead body, especially one used for medical research or instruction.
defile1 to make unclean, foul, or filthy.
drivel foolish or silly speech or ideas.
gnarl to knot or twist.
inclusive comprising or covering a great deal; comprehensive.
possessive having a strong desire to own and keep things.
preposterous totally unlikely, unbelievable, or senseless; absurd.
proliferate to spread or increase quickly.
pundit an authoritative, or purportedly authoritative, commentator or critic.
satiate to glut or fill to excess; oversupply; surfeit.
stalwart steady and loyal; reliable.
stratagem a plan or trick to deceive, surprise, or outwit an opponent, especially as a military maneuver.
tortuous changing direction frequently; twisting, winding, or crooked, as a path.
wreak to carry out or cause.