Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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absurd not at all logical; impossible to be true; ridiculous.
aggression an attack or war against a country started without good cause by another country.
amnesia partial or complete loss of memory as a result of an injury to the brain, illness, or shock.
anthology a collection of written works, such as poems or stories. An anthology can be written by one or by several authors.
asylum a place that offers safety.
congregate to bring or come together to form a group; gather.
departure the act or an occasion of leaving or going away.
instinct natural behavior in an animal that is not taught by parents or experience but is simply part of what an animal is born with.
jubilee a particularly celebrated anniversary, such as the fiftieth, or the celebration itself.
lexicon the set of terms used by an individual, a particular group, or a profession; vocabulary.
literacy the state of being able to read or write.
overall including nearly all; general.
rehabilitation the act of bringing back to a healthier, stronger, or more socially respectable condition.
renew to make like new; restore.
stagnant standing still; motionless.