Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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automatic working or operating by itself.
aware knowing or careful (usually followed by "of").
brutal cruel or savage.
columnist a writer who regularly writes opinion or comments on a particular subject for a newspaper or magazine.
define to explain or state the meaning of.
exist to be real; have being.
existence the condition of being alive or real.
foreigner a person who is born in or is from a different country.
lever a basic tool used to lift or pry things open. A crowbar is one type of lever.
outcome a result of something.
pattern an arrangement of shapes, lines, letters, numbers, or colors that can be repeated or used again and again.
propeller a device used to make an airplane or ship move forward. A propeller is made of tilted blades that are attached to and spin around a hub.
release to set free.
safari an expedition for watching or hunting large animals.
tumble to roll end over end while falling or while in flight.