Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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actually as a matter of fact; really.
balloon a small bag made of thin material that is filled with air or some other gas and used as a decoration or toy.
both one and the other of two things or people.
bottle a container with a narrow neck used to hold or pour liquids. A bottle is usually made of glass or plastic.
brand a kind of product made by one particular company.
flute an instrument for playing music. It is a long tube made of metal or wood that you play by blowing into a hole at one end.
guest a person who visits another person's home.
love a strong feeling of liking and caring about another person that usually causes a deep desire to be physically close to that person.
nut a large seed that people or animals can eat that grows in a hard shell.
pane a sheet of glass in a window or door.
screen a piece of material made of woven wire. A screen covers a window, door, or other opening.
shell a hard outer covering that an animal, especially a sea animal, has made to protect itself.
tear1 a drop of liquid that comes from the eye. Tears clean the eye and keep it wet.
ton a unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds.
until up to the time when.