Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alloy a substance made by mixing two or more metals or a metal and another substance.
encounter a brief, chance meeting.
engineer one who is trained in the use or design of machines or systems.
inaugurate to start or cause to start formally.
legislative having to do with the branch of government that has the power to pass laws.
liquefy to reduce to or become a fluid.
methodology a body of procedures, principles, and rules used for a specific activity or branch of knowledge.
motherly of or like a female parent.
navigate to plan, manage, or control the course of (a ship, aircraft, or the like).
offend to cause to be angry, annoyed, or insulted.
radical having to do with the root or source; basic; fundamental.
renowned known and praised by many; famous.
swarm to come together or move as a large group or mass.
tedious long and boring; dull; wearisome.
termination the act or an instance of ending, or the fact or condition of being ended.