Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abundance a very large amount; plentiful supply.
aggressive mean and unfriendly in one's actions; ready to argue or start fights.
averse strongly opposed or disinclined; unwilling (usually followed by "to").
cancel to do away with; decide against; call off.
conversion the changing of a person's religious beliefs.
misplace to put in a wrong place; lose.
nomad a member of a group or tribe that has no fixed home and moves from place to place.
oasis an area in a desert where plants can grow. The plants are fed by water from a spring or well.
originate to start or come into being.
prestige importance in the eyes of other people because of doing great things, being in high position, or having wealth.
rampart a mound of earth raised to serve as a defensive fortification, often topped with a protective wall.
spectator one that watches or observes.
spry moving in a brisk and lively way; nimble.
stance the opinions or attitude of someone with regard to something.
underlie to be the foundation or basis of.