Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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altitude the height of a thing above earth or above sea level.
awkward without physical skill or grace; clumsy.
crate a box for packing and shipping made of wood or other material.
design a plan or outline showing how something is to be built or carried out, or the way that something is put together or appears in the end because of the way it was planned.
disagree to differ in opinion.
economically as pertains to one's personal finances.
enclosure a space that is surrounded, or something that surrounds.
frequent happening often or repeated often.
horizon the line where the earth and the sky appear to meet.
investigate to look into carefully and closely so as to learn the facts; examine.
nasal of the nose.
republic a nation in which those who make the laws and run the government are elected by the people.
smudge a dirty mark or blot; stain.
totally completely; entirely.
vocal performed by singing.