Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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basement the space in a building that is underground or partly underground.
capability the quality of being skilled or able; ability.
ceramic of or having to do with objects made of baked clay.
clamber to climb with difficulty or in an awkward way, using hands and feet.
coarse having large grains or pieces, or a rough surface.
courtroom a room in which legal cases are heard before a judge.
lens a piece of clear material such as glass that bends light rays passing through it. The surface of a lens is curved to bend light rays toward or away from a central point.
organ a part of plants or animals that performs a particular task. The heart, the lungs, the skin, and the eyes are all organs of animals.
panel a section of a door, wall, or other surface that is set apart from the area around it by being raised, sunken, or decorated.
refresh to bring back the energy or spirits of.
self-esteem confidence or pride in oneself; self-respect.
slump to sink down or fall with all one's weight.
sneer a look on the face that expresses scorn or lack of respect.
stage a raised platform used for concerts, plays, talks, and other performances.
supportive providing help, assistance, or encouragement.