Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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barter to trade services or things for other services or things without using money.
criticize to judge what is good or bad in.
derivative copied, modeled on, or extracted from something else.
environmental of or having to do with the surroundings of something, especially the natural surroundings.
factor something that has an influence on something that happens or is one of the causes of it.
guilt the fact of having done something wrong or having broken a law.
inevitable certain to happen; not able to be avoided.
monotonous not interesting because of having to do the same thing over and over.
penalize to give penalty or punishment to.
phenomenon a happening or fact that can be seen or known through the senses.
rebound to bounce or leap back or away after hitting something.
seam a line formed by sewing two pieces of fabric together.
specialize to devote one's attentions to a specific pursuit or field of study.
specificity the quality of being exact, precise, or particular.
spectacular of or having to do with a spectacle; splendid; marvelous.