Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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blot a spot or stain.
cleat a projection attached to the bottom of a shoe to prevent slipping, especially on sports shoes.
defective having a flaw or defect; not perfect.
errand a quick trip taken for a particular purpose.
example something that shows what a group of things is like.
internet the world's largest computer network, which is made of millions of computers that are linked together. Some parts of the internet are the World Wide Web, electronic mail, and chat rooms.
magazine a printed collection of stories, pictures, articles, and advertisements. Magazines come out weekly, monthly, or at some other regular period of time.
manage to direct or control.
miniature A miniature is something that is exactly like something else but much smaller in size.
profession a job or type of work that needs special training or study.
progress forward movement toward an end.
solitary being, traveling, or living without others; alone.
strongly with great certainty or passion.
totem a living thing, such as an animal or plant, that is taken as the symbol of a family or clan.
youngster a young person; child.