Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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education the act or work of learning or training.
filth material that is dirty, disgusting, or foul.
infant a child in the first months of life.
mutter to speak in a low tone that is hard to understand; mumble.
nearby located close at hand; not far away.
presence the state or condition of being in a place at a certain time.
relic something that has survived from the past, such as an object or a custom.
revolve to turn or spin in place.
sag to sink, hang, or bend downward in the middle.
souvenir something kept as a reminder of a place, event, or friendship; memento.
storage a place for keeping or holding things while they are not being used.
sweeten to cause to be sweet or sweeter in taste.
veto the power of a government official or group to keep something from taking effect.
vice wicked, evil, or criminal behavior.
warehouse a large building or other place where products or private goods are stored.