Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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archives the body of records or information pertaining to an institution, organization, or historical figure.
brazen shameless; bold.
depravity moral corruption; wickedness.
hermetic preventing or sealed to prevent the influx or escape of air; airtight.
hypocrite a person who pretends to be different or better than he or she really is. Someone who does not act according to his or her stated beliefs is a hypocrite.
implacable not to be pacified or diverted; unappeasable or inexorable.
interdependent relying on or needing one another.
interim the interval of time between two events.
maternal of, having to do with, or like a mother.
ossify to become inflexible or rigid, as in thought or behavior.
penchant a strong liking for or inclination towards something.
piety worshipful devotion to and veneration of God or family.
repercussion (usually plural) a result or effect of an action or event, often occurring indirectly or unexpectedly.
sully to make dirty or tarnished.
supplant to replace (someone or something) especially by dishonest or forceful means.