Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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audit an often official examination of records or financial accounts to check their accuracy, or the report of such an examination.
caprice a sudden, impulsive change of mind or direction, or an unpredictable action.
curriculum the courses offered at a school or in a particular area of study.
disquiet lack of mental calm or peace; anxiety; uneasiness.
distend to swell or cause to swell from, or as if from, internal pressure; balloon.
edifice a building, especially a large or impressive structure.
energize to inspire, make active, or enliven.
heresy a religious belief or doctrine not in keeping with the established doctrine of a church, especially the rejection of or dissent from any aspect of Roman Catholic Church dogma by a baptized church member.
indisputable not subject to being challenged or denied; unquestionable.
infringe to cross established limits; encroach; trespass (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
propitiate to overcome the disfavor or distrust of; conciliate; appease.
scavenger an animal that finds and eats dead animals or rotting plants; a person who finds things that others no longer want.
scintillate to send out sparks.
stint to refrain from spending; to be sparing or frugal.
traverse to go over, along, or through; cover or cross.