Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allure to attract strongly by appealing to people's inner wishes; tempt.
celestial of or having to do with the sky or outer space.
conscript a military recruit summoned by draft; draftee.
diverge to extend or move away in different directions from a common point.
grandiloquence speech that is pretentious, pompous, or excessively mannered.
implicit implied rather than directly stated.
longevity long life.
mendacity a tendency to lie; untruthfulness.
projectile any object that is thrown, fired, or shot by an outside force or weapon.
refute to demonstrate the falseness or error of; disprove.
rejoinder a response to a reply; retort.
replete well-supplied; full (usually followed by "with").
solace comfort or consolation in times of sorrow or suffering.
squalor living conditions that are filthy, or the state of being dirty or foul.
tenure the period of holding or possessing something.