Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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balloon a small bag made of thin material that is filled with air or some other gas and used as a decoration or toy.
clip2 a device that holds or fastens. It is usually made of light metal or plastic.
damp wet, but not very wet.
dim having little or no light.
foam a mass of small bubbles that forms on the surface of a liquid.
holy relating to a god or religion.
ink a colored liquid in pens.
inspector one who inspects, usually as a job for pay.
jog to run at a slow rate for exercise.
peak the highest part of a mountain, or the highest part of anything.
powder a mass of fine, loose grains that are made when a solid material has been ground or crushed.
purse a bag used for carrying money and other personal things. A purse is often made of leather, cloth, or a similar material.
rod a straight, thin stick or bar.
shortcut a quicker or more direct way to go somewhere.
station the place where a person or thing is normally found.