Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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altruistic unselfishly devoted to the welfare of others.
coterie a small, exclusive group of friends or associates with similar interest or activities; clique.
disseminate to spread widely, as though scattering seed.
dovetail to fit together precisely or harmoniously.
electorate a body of those entitled to participate in an election; qualified voters, as a group.
ennui a general feeling of boredom and dissatisfaction, especially with all aspects of life.
enrapture to cause to be in rapture or to be ecstatically joyful.
fanaticism excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm or support for something.
heretic a person who maintains unorthodox religious opinions or beliefs, especially a baptized Roman Catholic who dissents from official church doctrine.
juxtapose to bring together for the purpose of side-by-side comparison or contrast.
lieu the place formerly occupied by something or someone.
myopia a visual defect in which distant images are focused in front of rather than on the retina; nearsightedness.
prude someone who is extremely or overly concerned with modesty or proper conduct, speech, dress, or the like.
stasis the state of equilibrium or balance between opposing forces; motionlessness.
statute a law made by a legislature, as opposed to one established by the courts.