Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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allegedly according to what has been claimed although not proven.
amnesia partial or complete loss of memory as a result of an injury to the brain, illness, or shock.
assemble to gather into a group.
bile ill temper or anger.
claustrophobia an abnormal fear of being in closed or confined places.
confidentiality the state or condition of being kept private or communicated only in private.
congregate to bring or come together to form a group; gather.
distinctive serving to set apart or mark as distinct or unusual.
expel to force out or drive out.
fathom to get to the bottom of or understand completely.
martial having to do with war or military activities.
profound coming from or going to a great depth.
propel to cause to move forward; thrust, push, or drive.
stabilization the process of making or becoming steady or even, and keeping at a certain level or degree.
whet to sharpen the cutting edge of (a knife or tool); hone.