Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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delimit to define or mark the boundaries of; demarcate.
disembark to put or go ashore from a ship.
gaffe a crude social error; blunder; faux pas.
incipient starting to exist or become apparent; in an early stage of development.
incisive marked by clear, penetrating thought; sharp.
interminable endless or seemingly endless; monotonously long.
malady an illness of the body or mind.
noncommittal not revealing what one's preference, feeling, or opinion is.
nuptial of or relating to a wedding ceremony or to marriage.
posthumous beginning, occurring, or continuing after one's death.
presumptive affording a reasonable basis for belief.
ruminate to think at length; meditate.
superfluous being beyond a sufficient amount; excessive.
tenacious holding on or tending to hold on strongly or persistently (sometimes followed by "of").
tincture an alcohol solution containing a medicinal substance.