Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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anomalous differing from the norm, standard, or common type or rule; abnormal.
commune2 a group of people living together as a community, working collectively on land owned in common or by a government.
compile to gather information together to form one written work.
demagogue a leader, especially a speaker or politician, who attempts to persuade and to gain a following by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the public, rather than by rational argument.
evenhanded fair and impartial in the treatment of others; equitable.
onslaught a forceful, often sudden, offensive maneuver; attack.
oratory1 the art of public speaking.
perpetrate to commit or carry out (a crime, act of mischief, or the like).
projectile any object that is thrown, fired, or shot by an outside force or weapon.
scathing harshly condemning; brutal.
segregate to separate or place apart from others.
sinuous having many curves or turns.
tangent a line of discussion leading away from the original topic; digression.
waif a child without a home or friends.
wrangle to win or obtain by quarreling.