Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abasement the act of bringing down or the state of being brought down in rank, status, or reputation.
certitude the state, condition, or feeling of freedom from uncertainty or doubt.
dextrous variant of dexterous.
disinterest lack of bias or self-interest; impartiality.
heresy a religious belief or doctrine not in keeping with the established doctrine of a church, especially the rejection of or dissent from any aspect of Roman Catholic Church dogma by a baptized church member.
lassitude lack of mental or physical energy; weariness or listlessness; lethargy.
linear having to do with a line; straight.
perseverance steadfast continuance in a course of action, task, or belief.
prescriptive that prescribes; setting down rules.
profane irreverent or irreligious; blasphemous.
progeny a descendant, or descendants collectively; offspring.
scathing harshly condemning; brutal.
schematic of, pertaining to, or formed like an outline or diagram.
unconscionable not restrained or guided by a concern for what is right and just; unprincipled.
wean to cause to be free of a habit, activity, or the like, often by means of a distraction or substitute.