Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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aim to point something at a thing that you want to hit.
bite to cut with the teeth.
bitter having a strong taste that is neither sweet nor sour.
busy doing something or working on something.
campfire an outdoor fire used for cooking or warmth while camping.
hillside the side of a hill.
information knowledge or facts about any thing or event.
miserable very unhappy; wretched.
motor a machine that causes motion or power.
originally at first.
powder a mass of fine, loose grains that are made when a solid material has been ground or crushed.
reflection heat, light, or an image that bounces off an object or surface.
science a careful method of studying and learning about things in nature.
sorrow the feeling of being sad.
wheel a round thing that turns in circles and allows cars, trucks, bicycles, and other things to move.