Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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admission the price a person must pay to enter.
confer to give or award.
coordination the working together of different muscles to carry out a complicated movement.
hierarchical organized by rank or level.
labyrinth an intricate network of pathways or passageways intended to confuse the person or animal that navigates it; maze.
maelstrom a turbulent or overpowering situation.
maniac a person who has a very strong desire or enthusiasm for something.
marathon a race in which participants run 26.2 miles.
mistaken being an error.
reckless paying no attention to danger; not at all careful.
resignation the act of giving up a job or other position, or a formal letter announcing this.
revelation the act of revealing.
sibling a sister or a brother.
slogan a short phrase used to state a principle or political message or to advertise a product; motto.
squeamish nauseated, or tending to be easily nauseated or disgusted; queasy.