Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bosom the front part of a human being's chest, especially that of a woman.
breakthrough an important discovery in a particular field that encourages an acceleration in knowledge or expertise.
buoyant lighthearted or cheerful.
convex having a surface or edge that curves outward like the outside of a ball.
excessive more than is needed or considered fair; not reasonable.
feint a false movement that is meant to trick an opponent by taking attention away from the real target.
friction the rubbing of objects against each other.
garland a wreath, chain, or string worn for celebration or decoration. Garlands are made of flowers, leaves, or vines.
notch (informal) a little bit.
opt to decide; choose (usually followed by "for" or an infinitive).
prevail to emerge as dominant (often followed by "over").
royalty a member of a king or queen's family, or all such persons as a group.
sham an imitation that is passed as genuine; counterfeit.
standardize to cause to conform to a model or rules.
summon to call to appear for a particular purpose.